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Essen Nutrition Blog

We believe in the science of nutrition and food manufacturing research, applied to food manufacturing and consumption with a goal of healthy, nutritious living.

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Lots of people want to know if there’s a difference or an advantage to drinking a liquid protein supplement over eating solid protein in whole foods. Like so many things in the world of nutrition and the human body there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on your aim or your goals and how your body tolerates various foods and beverages. That can vary by the time of day, the situation, and even your schedule. There’s no denying that balanced intake that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and low-fat protein sources is the backbone of healthy intake, but we all know that there are times when sitting down to a balanced meal isn’t feasible, practical, or optimal. Any recommendation that overemphasizes that foundation of a healthy diet as the only source of vital nutrients misses the needs of individuals who might benefit from a protein supplement.

Straight to the Source

So is there any difference between the protein in ISOSHOT and the protein in a chicken breast or steak? Yes, and no. When it comes down to it, protein is protein. As long as you take in adequate amounts of all the essential amino acids, and adequate protein overall, your body doesn’t care what the source of that protein was. That said, we still need to be mindful of what else we’re eating and drinking along with that protein. With protein, in particular, it’s important to consider how much saturated fat or added sugar the protein source contains. That goes for both food sources and protein supplements. (I’ve seen burger patties with added sugar, and sauces on meats can be loaded with added sugar!) Does the supplement or meal provide fiber and various vitamins and minerals along with the protein? Is it a complete protein containing all the essential amino acids or do you need a complementary protein to fill in the gaps? ISOSHOT liquid protein is a complete protein, from hydrolyzed collagen, [MTT1] with added fiber and no fat. ISOSHOT has 4g[MTT2]  of added sugar, but that’s about the same amount as you’ll get from an average stick of gum and well below the American Heart Association’s recommended limit of no more than 25g/day for women or 36g/day for men. So if there are times when a balanced meal isn’t going to work for you, ISOSHOT is a great way to get a boost of protein without adding excess sugar, fat, and calories!

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Tagged in: Protein

If you keep up with sports and fitness nutrition you’ve probably heard a lot about Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) in the past several months. Everyone from Men’s Fitness and Men’s Health to and even Dr. Mercola and Web MD have something to say about BCAAs. So what’s all the buzz? We’re going to break down the science behind the stories.

If you’re intimidated by the fact that the bodybuilding community has championed BCAAs, don’t be. You don’t have to be a power lifter or high-intensity athlete to benefit from BCAAs. Researchers have studied the benefits of BCAAs on both men and women, of varying body types and athleticism, and across the entire life span, from premature babies to older adults and everyone in between. Sure, there have been studies researching the potential benefits of BCAA intake in athletes, but scientists have also looked at BCAA intake in average young adults as well. And while performance improvement in athletes is an exciting topic, so is improved quality of life for average everyday people like you and me.

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MayoKetchup-FrySauce-FatSauce-Golf Sauce, etc. Sauce of Sauces

What’s all the hoopla about putting Mayonnaise & Ketchup together?  Well, it’s been around for a while and with the expanding taste buds of the world, MayoKetchup-FrySauce-FatSauce-GolfSauce, is not going anywhere. 

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Whey protein is a great protein and has become a staple supplement for the body building industry and for all athletes.  Today people use Whey as an alternative to fatty, cholesterol filled, high calorie meals. Whey protein is derived from milk and is a healthy meal supplement.


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What is Hydrolyzed Collagen?

Collagen is structural, fibrous protein found in humans and animals, particularly in areas such as tendons, bones, skin, and cartilage. It serves as a connective tissue which makes up roughly 30% of the human body’s protein content, making it the most abundant source of protein in our bodies. When boiled, Collagen becomes gelatin.

Hyrdrolyzed Collagen is a processed form of Collagen that is obtained by breaking down Collagen fibers utilizing heat or caustic solutions. It contains 20 different amino acids, including 8 of the 9 essential amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be created the human body, which means that the only way our bodies can acquire them is through ingestion.

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Our Products

  • Dressing and Sauces
  • Mayonnaise
  • Syrups
  • Bread
  • Mayo Ketchup
  • Pudding mixes
  • Hot cocoa mixes
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  • Instant breakfast
  • High Protein Drinks
  • Power mixes-custom blend any dry mixes
  • Special formulas from low calorie-low sodium to national brand formulas
  • Gluten free bread mix

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